UI for Nodes

A node can also have interactive UI inside it, using UINodes for showing labels, selectors, toggles, files, sliders, buttons, dials, images, and a lot more... structured in a hierarchical way.

Creating a node
let node = flow.createNode("core/empty", Vector.create(50, 50), {
  name: "Node UI",
  width: 250,
  inputs: [
    { name: "R", dataType: "r" },
    { name: "G", dataType: "g" },
    { name: "B", dataType: "b" },
  outputs: [{ name: "Image", dataType: "image" }],
  state: {
    labelText: "Label Text",
    sliderValue: 50,
    toggle: false,
    selectedValue: null,
    file: null,
    inputValue: 365,
  style: { padding: 10, spacing: 10, rowHeight: 10 },

Creating a label
let label1 = node.createUI('core/label', {
  text: '',
  propName: 'labelText',
  input: true,
  output: true,
  style: { align: Align.Center, fontSize: '17px' }


Creating Image, Sliders, Toggles, Buttons ...
  node.createUI("core/image", { style: { align: Align.Center } }),
  node.createUI("core/x-layout", {
    childs: [
      node.createUI("core/label", { text: "", propName: "sliderValue", style: { grow: 0.2, precision: 2 } }),
      node.createUI("core/slider", {
        min: 0,
        max: 150,
        propName: "sliderValue",
        input: true,
        output: true,
        height: 15,
        style: { grow: 0.8, railHeight: 5 },
  node.createUI("core/button", { text: "Click Me !", input: true, output: true }),
  node.createUI("core/x-layout", {
    childs: [
      node.createUI("core/label", { text: "Toggle: ", style: { grow: 0.8 } }),
      node.createUI("core/toggle", { propName: "toggle", input: true, output: true, style: { grow: 0.2 } }),
  node.createUI("core/x-layout", {
    childs: [
      node.createUI("core/label", { text: "Select: ", style: { grow: 0.3 } }),
      node.createUI("core/select", {
        values: ["ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO"],
        propName: "selectedValue",
        input: true,
        output: true,
        height: 20,
        style: { grow: 0.7 },
  node.createUI("core/x-layout", {
    childs: [
      node.createUI("core/label", { text: "Source: ", style: { grow: 0.5 } }),
      node.createUI("core/source", { propName: "file", input: true, output: true, height: 20, style: { grow: 0.5 } }),
  node.createUI("core/x-layout", {
    childs: [
      node.createUI("core/label", { text: "Input: ", style: { grow: 0.4 } }),
      node.createUI("core/input", {
        propName: "inputValue",
        input: true,
        output: true,
        height: 20,
        style: { type: InputType.Number, grow: 0.6, align: Align.Right },